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Cannabinoids Block SARS-CoV-2 and Variants

Jan 13th 2022

So this is absolutely promising. While we like to say that this is about molecules not miracles we find it so interesting that researchers recently found that certain cannabinoids block cellular entry of SARS-CoV-2 and its possible future variants. 

The study led by Richard van Breemen, from Oregon State’s Global Hemp Innovation Center, College of Pharmacy and Linus Pauling Institute, were published in the Journal of Natural Products. It found that two of the compounds abundantly found in hemp and by result in full-spectrum products and extracts, Cannabidiolic acid (CBDa) and Cannabigerolic acid (CBGa) were effective against variants of SARS-CoV-2, including the Alpha variant B.1.1.7, and the Beta variant B.1.351. which is all extremely promising. So how does it do it? 

Well you can sort of think of cells in our body as having specific shaped receptors that only allow a certain shaped molecule to fit. These are all created to accept the molecules that keep that organisms functions going. It's an over simplification but basically CBDa and CBGa have the shapes that fit the same receptors that the Covid Virus fits. By "beating" it to the space it is physically unable to park itself in that receptor. By not being able to reproduce itself the virus cannot replicate. 

Does it mean the off-the shelf product will work? Well time will tell but important to note is that these two compounds are only found in full-spectrum products like ours. Why do we not use isolates? Well mainly because of the entourage effect. That is certain molecules build off of one another in order to have a stronger effect and in our experience we have always strived to maintain as much of the plant as nature intended. We just try and provide you with a more convenient dosing method.